Creative here!
Запишитесь на "Креатив тут" course with discount - ATTENTION - at 50%.
The cost of the course in stock - 35,000 AMD instead of 70,000. Don't miss this wonderful opportunity! And if you also invite a friend to enroll in the course, then the cost of the course for two will be 65,000 drams.
The course consists of 3 blocks of 1.5 hours
Trainers: Ruben Mkhitaryan, Ruben Sarukhanyan
Days: December 6, 10, 13
Duration: 4.5 hours
Creative. What? How? Profitable?
1. Что такое креатив и чем его...?
2. To whom is this given and necessary?
3. Basic techniques and methods of creativity + practical master-class.
Creative. The idea was born, and then?
1. Biology of thoughts and creative business.
2. Creative multiplies profit.
3. Creative tools for your life and work + practical master class.
Creative. What to do when there are no ideas?
1. Legal brain stimulation.
2. Разгон, загон, игра.
3. Inspiration everywhere. Bet?