Personal Profile:

Tigran Poghosyan
Armenian State University of Economics, Department of Management, Master of Business Administration, 2023 - present
State Revenue Committee under the Government of the Republic of Armenia, Customs Agent Qualification Certificate
Armenian State University of Economics, Department of Management, Bachelor of Economics
Signum Consulting Company, Executive Director, 2021December – up-to-day, Armenia
Syunik Argo Cluster, Commercial Director, 2021 May - November, Armenia
X-Group LTD, Sales Director, 2020 - 2021, Armenia
Armenia Wine LLC, Head of Risk Management Department, 2019- 2020, Armenia
Group of Companies Armenia Wine LLC, DIGITAIN LLC, ATMC LLC etc, Senior Internal Auditor, 2017- 2019, Armenia
Healthy Mushroom LLC, Plant Manager
Healthy Mushroom LLC, Senior Internal Auditor, 2016, Armenia
Doustr Marianna LLC, Intern, 2013,
National Statistics Service of the RA, Intern, 2010, Armenia